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I have been proud of most I have accomplished through my Art

I was never the smartest kid but I was very creative and knew this was the way I needed to go to be able to go to Fine Art School. I could do without the academic lol.. Put me in an Art Studio I was in heaven.

I recently got back a pastel drawing I did from my time at VCU Fine Arts achieving there my Bachelor's of Fine Arts Degree.

Teachers and staff there taught me well in learning many different art forms from crafts to paint. The concept for this was to create separate panels and when put together it created a whole picture. My parents had it in their homes and they can't fit it anymore so I now have it.

I sometimes can't believe this came from me. My hands aren't what they used to be to create pastels but maybe I will have to give this old medium a try again.

What are your great accomplishments before family? I know most will say family which should be up their on most person's list but what about personal accomplishments?

Please share with me.


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